The object insured
Civil liability for damage caused by the operator directly to third parties as a result of emergency situation at high-risk object
Insured event
Emergency situation including a fire and an accident at a high-risk object, an ecologically dangerous accident and an emergency situation of man-made and natural origin, an accident that threat to sanitary or epidemic health of the population
Dangers covered
- damage caused to the life, health or property of the third party
- damage caused to the natural environment
Insurance Tariffs
Insurance tariff is determined in the insurance contract by agreement of the parties
Insurance Terms & Conditions
Features of the legal regulation of liability insurance for damage that may be caused as a result of
emergency situations are determined by the Procedure and conditions of liability insurance of
business entities and other legal entities that use high-risk facilities, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated December 28, 2023 No. 1081